Directors & Staff

KEF is guided by a Board of Directors, each of whom are passionate about our mission and volunteer their time and expertise to strengthen educational opportunities for our Koniag people.


Elaine Lederer, President
Peter Boskofsky,
Vice President
Rose Kreger, Secretary/Treasurer


Shannon Howard

Alberta Jones, PhD.
Liz Odongo
Matt Olsen
Steve Parsons
Dr. Thomas Swensen


KEF has a small office staffed by hard-working employees and a supportive Board of Directors. Each of KEF’s staff members has a unique role in achieving our mission of empowering Alutiiq people to achieve their potential through education.

Interested In Serving on the KEF Board?

If you are interested in serving on the KEF Board of Directors, we would be delighted to hear from you. Feel free to call or e-mail us at [email protected] if you have any questions concerning time commitment, programs, or committees.