FAQ For Students

FAQ For Students

What is a merit based scholarship?

A merit based scholarship means that your application score (which includes your GPA, essay score, letter of recommendation, and providing all required documentation) determines how much funding you will receive. The KEF Scholarship Committee reviews all applications and the students’ with the highest scores, will receive the most funding. Therefore is is extremely important to put forth your very best effort on each scholarship application you submit.

Can I apply for a KEF General if my cumulative GPA is below a 2.5?

Yes. KEF now has a one time only Step-Up program for students who do not currently have a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Recipients must follow all other KEF General scholarship guidelines. Only those who have not received a KEF General scholarship in the past two years may apply.

Do I have to reapply for the KEF General Scholarship each year?

Yes. The KEF General Scholarship opens December 15 and closes March 15 each year.

I applied for and received a KEF General Scholarship last year, do I have to submit new letters of recommendation?

No, if you are received a KEF General Scholarship during the previous school year, you do not have to provide new letters of recommendation.

What is the difference between official and unofficial transcripts?

Official transcripts must come directly to KEF from the high school or college you attend. They are usually send electronically (via email) but some schools will only mail them out. Official college transcripts usually have a small fee.

Unofficial transcripts come from you, the student. They can generally be downloaded from your online college student account. You may send them to KEF via email (as an attached .pdf) or preferably upload them to your KEF account (where you applied for the scholarship),

I am only taking one class as an undergraduate, can I still apply?

KEF requires undergraduate students to take a minimum of two classes per term in order to apply as a part-time students. However, graduate students may take one graduate level class per term to be considered to be part-time.

What happens if my cumulative GPA falls below a 2.5?

If your cumulative GPA falls below a 2.5, you will be placed on academic probation. You will receive a probationary letter explaining that you will have up to two terms to bring your GPA back into compliance. During this time, you may still receive your funding and reapply for the next years award (if applicable).

I misplaced my KEF Student Responsibilities document, where can I get another one?

You can view a copy here.

What is a Special Scholarship?

KEF Special Scholarships are for students majoring in specific areas. The Godfrey, Matfay, Parsons, and Drabek scholarships are awarded to the students with the highest combined KEF General application and GPA score. There is no need for an additional application.

KEF also administers the Native Village of Afognak’s (NVA) Ag’wanermiut Litut and Native Village of Port Lions Rhea Mae Knagin (NVOPL) Scholarships. Students who are not only a Koniag Shareholder or Descendant, but also are registered with NVA or NVOPL may apply for these each year Each of these scholarships have specific requirements.

I received a KEF General Scholarship, how often do I need to turn my grades/transcripts in?

Students are required to submit official transcripts by June 30 of each year and either official or unofficial transcripts at the end of each term the student attends. Funds are not disbursed until a student submits their transcripts after each term.

I applied for a KEF General Scholarship, when will I find out if I received one?

Award letters are generally sent out via email by the second week of June (first week of December for Spring Only students). Please log back in to your account to accept or decline your scholarship. You will also be assigned follow-ups such as providing the address to send your scholarship checks and submitting your unofficial transcripts after your fall and/or winter transcripts.