NVA Ag’wanermiut Liitut

May 6, 2020

Ag’wanermiut Liitut means ‘we are learning’ in Alutiiq. The Native Village of Afognak (NVA), located in Kodiak, AK, generously sponsors this annual award of $1,000 for two students.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be an enrolled member of the Native Village of Afognak
  • Must be a high school graduate or GED equivalent by June 30 of application year.
  • Be accepted to or attending an accredited vocational or college program.
  • Must have and maintain a minimum of a 2.5 GPA or equivalent and make satisfactory academic progress as defined by the institution.
  • Preference given to first-time degree-seeking and vocational students.
  • Must meet all other KEF eligibility requirements

Application Requirements:

  • Provide proof of enrollment
  • One letter of recommendation
  • Most recent high school or college transcripts
  • Recent resume
  • Recent headshot photo
  • Essay

Special Essay Requirements:

The Native Village of Afognak Ag’wanermiut Liitut Award requires a two-part essay. (500 word minimum)

1) Include a description of your:

a) Personal and family history and how you or your family is connected to the Native Village of Afognak, b) Community and/or family involvement
c) Volunteer activities/awards
d) Educational and career goals
e) How would receiving this award impact you?

2) Select and answer one of the following three questions:

  • What does Afognak mean to you?
  • What does education mean to you?
  • What does community mean to you?

*KEF offers merit-based scholarships to Koniag Shareholders and Descendants. These scholarships are competitive and are scored for completeness by an independent scholarship review committee. Applications must be postmarked or time-stamped by deadline.

**Because KEF is a private nonprofit, IRS regulations require that all scholarship funds must be sent directly to the institute where training is taking place.