The Margaret “Agnguarta” Roberts Memorial Scholarship is in honor) of the late Elder Margaret “Agnguarta” Roberts. The Tangirnaq Native Village recognizes and memorializes Margaret’s tireless efforts to showcase Alutiiq culture through language, dance, and wellness initiatives, as well as her advocacy in promoting education, vocational and career enhancement of our Tribal citizens. Margaret’s lifetime advocacy for the Alutiiq people will live on and help to guide future generations.
The TNV Scholarship offers awards up to $4,000 per year (dependent upon available funding) to eligible full-time students, and up to $2,000 per year (dependent upon available funding) to eligible part-time students. Checks will be made payable directly to the institution. Applications are open March 1st and have a deadline of June 1st annually.
We are excited to share that Leisnoi, Inc. will match TNV’s Higher Education Scholarship awards to all approved applicants. Eligibility requirement in addition to TNV is applicants must be a Leisnoi, Inc. Shareholder AND an enrollment citizen of TNV.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicants must be a Tangirnaq Native Village Tribal Citizen.
- Applicants must indicate if they are a Leisnoi, Inc. Shareholder to receive their scholarships match.
- Applicants must be a high school graduate or GED equivalent by June 30.
- Be accepted by an institution that is an accredited college or university, trade school, or such other educational institution as the Committee may approve.
- Students are required to have and maintain a 2.5+ GPA and satisfactory academic progress as defined by the institution.
- Preference will be given to full-time students.
- Must meet all other KEF eligibility requirements.
Application Requirements:
1.Proof of tribal enrollment in the TNV and proof of Leisnoi Inc. Shareholder if wishing to have scholarship match by Leisnoi, Inc.
2. Letter of Recommendation:
New applicants are required to provide one letter of recommendation (LOR) which must be signed, dated, and less than one year old. The letter can be from an employer, teacher, coach, etc. but not a family member. The recommender should indicate how long they have known the applicant, how they know them, and speak directly to the student’s ability to successfully complete their degree program. Returning applicants (those who received this award the previous year) do not have to provide an LOR unless they are beginning a new degree program.
3. Essay:
a) A brief description of your personal and family history and how you or your family are connected to Woody Island.
b) Community and/or family involvement
c) Volunteer activities/awards
d) What are your long term goals? How will your educational experience help you to achieve them?
e) If you have received this scholarship previously, share what you’ve learned during the past school year. For instance, what were your challenges or setbacks and how did you overcome them? What were your triumphs or accomplishments?
4. Most recent high school or college transcripts (unofficial transcripts are accepted for application but must be followed up by official transcripts by June 30).
5. Recent resume.
6. Proof of acceptance or letter from school stating you have applied.
7. Recent headshot photo.